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Fence Painting

Fence Painting

Several seasons of hot summers and cold winters have taken their toll on Farmer John's fence, and he decides it is time to repaint it, along with the help of his favorite cow, Bessie. Unfortunately, while Bessie is actually remarkably proficient at painting, she is not as good at understanding Farmer John's instructions. If we regard the fence as a one-dimensional number line, Farmer John paints the interval between $x = a$ and $x = b$. For example, if $a = 3$ and $b = 5$, then Farmer John paints an interval of length $2$. Bessie, misunderstanding Farmer John's instructions, paints the interval from $x = c$ to $x = d$, which may possibly overlap with part or all of Farmer John's interval. Please determine the total length of fence that is now covered with paint. \InputFile The first line contains the integers $a$ and $b\:(a < b)$. The second line contains integers $c$ and $d\:(c < d)$. The values of $a, b, c$ and $d$ all lie in the range $0 ... 100$, inclusive. \OutputFile Print a single line containing the total length of the fence covered with paint. \includegraphics{https://static.eolymp.com/content/a4/a4u9hdlr5t3r76kh253l3aecvk.gif} \Note Here, $6$ total units of fence are covered with paint, from $x = 4$ all the way through $x = 10$.
Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 128 MiB
Input example #1
7 10
4 8
Output example #1
Source 2015 USACO December, Bronze