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Birthday 2

Birthday 2

As you already know, Vasya saw David Copperfield performance and decided to impress his classmates with his own tricks. Here's one: Bob classmate offers to multiply the number of dates of his birth at $12$, and the number of the month - at $31$ and tell him the sum of both works, and then quickly calls his date of birth. When to start a queue Vasya, and he's tired, he asked you to write a program that will show the trick instead. Programs Vasin email it much, but the thing: all the classmates are not reduced, and now Vasya asks you to send another program that will help him get rid of the queue in the corridor and thereby justify themselves before the school principal. \InputFile The first row is given a unique number $K$ $(1 ≤ K ≤ 2·10^6)$ - the number of Vasin classmates in line. The following $K$ lines on one number - the amount already received Vasin classmates. \OutputFile For each received request to withdraw to a line day and month of birth, Vasin classmates in the format \texttt{DD / MM}.
Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 64 MiB
Input example #1
Output example #1