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Gnome’s toys

Gnome’s toys

\includegraphics{https://static.e-olymp.com/content/24/24a01b4acc468dc1f1e7cb05e3847aced1b4dc51.gif} Gnomes freely operate of counting systems with separate bases, but they have found it in daily trainings. For this reason every morning at gnomes begin with transfering in other counting systems current calendar date. Your task precisely same: transfer the date \textbf{D}/\textbf{M}/\textbf{Y} in system of counting with a basis of \textbf{D}+1. For any number greater than \textbf{9} using large letters in alphabetical order. \InputFile One line. The date in format of \textbf{D}/\textbf{M}/\textbf{Y} is written down in decimal system of counting. \OutputFile One line. The date in format of \textbf{D}/\textbf{M}/\textbf{Y} is written down in system of counting with a basis of \textbf{D}+1.
Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 64 MiB
Input example #1
Output example #1
Author Анатолий Присяжнюк