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Inequality ax ≤ b

Inequality ax ≤ b

For given two integers a and b find the smallest and biggest integer solution of inequality ax ≤ b.


Two integers a and b, no more than 1000 by absolute value.


If the inequality ax ≤ b has no solutions, print no solution.

IF any real value is a solution to inequality ax ≤ b, print all.

Otherwise print in one line the smallest and the biggest integer solution of inequality ax ≤ b. If the minimum integer solution does not exist, print -INF. If the maximum integer solution does not exist, print INF.

Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 128 MiB
Input example #1
3 10
Output example #1
-INF 3
Input example #2
-3 10
Output example #2
-3 INF