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The Far Far Away Kingdom has n cities. The king wants to connect the cities with n - 1 two-way airline so that:

  • Each airline connects two different cities.
  • From each city it is possible to get to any other city directly or with transfers.

We will call the accessibility of a city the number of cities with which it is directly connected by airlines. The king also requires that the maximum value of accessibility among all the cities of the kingdom be as large as possible.

How many different ways exists to connect cities as required?


One integer n (2n109) - the number of cities.


Print one integer - the answer to the problem.


The maximum possible value of accessibility for three cities is 2. Three different connection are possible where this value is achieved: (1,2) and (2,3), (1,3) and (2,3), (1,2) and (1,3).

Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 128 MiB
Input example #1
Output example #1
Source 2019 ACM NEERC, Qualification, October 6, Problem B