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Java Abstract Array Sum Average

Java Abstract Array Sum Average

Implement abstract class Arr.

Implement class Array that extends Arr.

abstract class Arr
  int a[]; // array of integers
  int n; // size of array
  abstract int Sum(); // Return sum of array elements
  abstract double Average(); // Return average of array elements

class Array extends Arr
  Array (int n) // Constructor
  int Sum() // Return sum of array elements
  double Average() // Return average of array elements


First line contains number n. Next line contains n integers in the range from 0 to 100.


Print in one line the sum of array elements and their average.

Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 128 MiB
Input example #1
3 6 8 2 4
Output example #1
23 4.6
Author Михаил Медведев