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Boris and Berta

Boris and Berta

Boris is making a quest for his sister Berta. One of the tasks is to find a point on the map that is $n$ meters to the north from their house. But it's too easy if $n$ is specified directly. Boris decided to use miles and cables to specify the distance. He found out that there are a lot of different miles: from a $500$-meter Chinese mile (called \textit{li}) up to a $11\,299$-meter Norwegian mile (called \textit{mil}). And a cable length can be anywhere from $169$ to $220$ meters. Boris decided to use an $m$-meter mile and a $c$-meter cable. Now he wants to represent the $n$-meter distance as ``$M$~miles and $C$ cables'' with non-negative integers $M$ and $C$ as precisely as possible~--- that is, he wants to minimize $|M\cdot m+C\cdot c-n|$. Help him! \InputFile Three lines contain an integer each: $n$~--- the distance to represent, $m$~--- the chosen length of a mile, and $c$~--- the chosen length of a cable ($1 \le n \le 10^9$; $500 \le m \le 11\,299$; $169 \le c \le 220$). All values are given in meters. \OutputFile Print two non-negative integers $M$ and $C$~--- the best approximation for the distance of $n$ meters using the chosen mile and cable lengths. If there are multiple best approximations, print any of them. \Note There are two correct answers to the second example test: ``\texttt{1 6}'' and ``\texttt{3 1}''.
Time limit 2 seconds
Memory limit 512 MiB
Input example #1
Output example #1
0 7
Input example #2
Output example #2
1 6
Author Georgiy Korneev