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The shortest path

The shortest path

The undirected graph is given. Find the shortest path from vertex a to vertex b.


The first line contains two integers n and m (1n5 * 104, 1m105) - the number of vertices and edges. The second line contains two integers a and b - the starting and ending point correspondingly. Next m lines describe the edges.


If the path between a and b does not exist, print -1. Otherwise print in the first line the length l of the shortest path between these two vertices in number of edges, and in the second line print l + 1 numbers - the vertices of this path.


Time limit 2 seconds
Memory limit 128 MiB
Input example #1
4 5
1 4
1 3
3 2
2 4
2 1
2 3
Output example #1
1 2 4
Input example #2
4 4
2 3
2 1
2 4
4 3
1 3
Output example #2
2 1 3