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Bruno and his friends are playing with water guns. They are passionate gamers, which is why this is not a regular water gun game, but is in fact very similar to video-games. They even hired a moderator for the game. At the beginning of the game, the players are divided into two teams: pineapples and blueberries. During the game, the moderator keeps track of every time some player sprays some other player, writing down the time when it happened. Just like in video-games, the players acquire points. When a player from some team sprays someone from the opposing team, their team receives $100$ points. However, if within $10$ seconds the same player again sprays someone from the opposing team, this is counted as a double-spray and their team receives an additional $50$ points. A player can achieve multiple double-sprays in a row, each worth an additional $50$ points for their team \InputFile The first line contains the integer $n~(1 \le n \le 100)$, the number of sprays that happened during the game. Each of the following $n$ lines contains three integers $t_i$, $a_i$, $b_i~(0 \le t_i \le 1000, 1 \le a_i, b_i \le 8)$ which denote that player $a_i$ sprayed player $b_i$ at time $t_i$ (in seconds). Labels of the players from team pineapple are positive integers from $1$ to $4$, while the labels of the players from team blueberry are the positive integers from $5$ to $8$. The players $a_i$ and $b_i$ are guranteed to be from different teams. The numbers $t_i$ are distinct and are ordered increasingly. \OutputFile One line contains two numbers: the total score of team pineapple and the total score of team blueberry. \Examples In the first example at seconds $10$ and $20$ player $1$ sprayed players $6$ and $7$ from the other team. For each spraying the pineapples received $100$ points. As the sprays happened within $10$ seconds, the team receieved an additional $50$ poitns $(250 = 2 \cdot 100 + 50)$. Team blueberries sprayed only one player from the opposing team, which is why they received only $100$ points. For the second example player $2$ achieved two double-sprays in a row, which is why team pineapple got a total of $3 \cdot 100 + 2 \cdot 50 = 400$ points.
Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 128 MiB
Input example #1
10 1 6
20 1 7
21 8 1
Output example #1
250 100
Input example #2
10 2 5
15 2 6
25 2 5
Output example #2
400 0
Input example #3
10 5 2
11 6 3
Output example #3
0 200
Source 2021 COCI Croatian Open Competition In Informatics, Round 1, October 16