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Big trampoline

Big trampoline

Phineas and Ferb want to build a big trampoline. They have already built n trampoline pillars and now they want to put it on. Seen from above, each pillar is a point on the plane. The trampoline will be a simple polygon with vertices at these points. A simple polygon is a polygon whose boundary has no self-intersections or self-tangency. The guys want the trampoline to have the largest possible area. And in doing so, they want to use every pillar. Help them choose the order in which the pillars should meet on the edge of the trampoline so that it is a simple polygon and has the largest area possible.


The first line contains one integer n (3n9) - the number of pillars for the trampoline. The next n lines contain two integers xi and yi (-108xi, yi10 ^8) - the coordinates of the i-th pillar. It is guaranteed that no two points coincide.


If it is impossible to construct a simple polygon which vertices will be given points, print "No". Otherwise, on the first line print "Yes", and on the next line print a permutation of numbers from 1 to n in the order in which the pillars should go along the border of the trampoline.


Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 128 MiB
Input example #1
0 0
2 2
-2 -2
2 -2
-2 2
Output example #1
1 2 4 3 5 
Source 2020 Cycle of Internet Olympiads for schoolchildren, Third team contest, Advanced level, Novemver 7, Problem H