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Cost of letters

Cost of letters

Consider a text. Only capital Latin letters from $A$ to $Z$ have a cost. The cost of $A$ is $1$, cost of $B$ is $2$ and so on. The cost of $Z$ is $26$. Find the product of all costs of letters in the text. \InputFile Text that consists of multiple lines and can contain any letters. \OutputFile Print the product of all costs of letters in the text by modulo $10^9 + 7$. \Examples In the given example we have the next capital Latin letters: $E (5), V (22), I (9), U (21), S (19), A (1)$. The costs of the letters are given in the brackets. The product of all the costs is $(5 * 22 * 9 * 21 * 19 * 1)~mod~1000000007 = 395010$.
Time limit 1 second
Memory limit 128 MiB
Input example #1
Eolymp chapter VI
    plus ,.,.
$%4  $56 $^ USAco 456$%^$ 

Output example #1